Barbara Lavelle

Hello everyone i live in Canada. I saw the Medical grade Bicarbonate that Karyn works with on Facebook and was at my wits end on how to treat my skin. I saw Karyn’s daughters post and it was just like my skin so i got in
touch with Karyn via pm and talked with her at great length and she told me about the bicarbonate, I waited until it got here and I was very excited to try this as my pH was very low, in the 5.0pH range so i put it in the tub to soak my poor red scratched and bloody self in there and i also started to drink it as well.

What a blessing Karyn Pickles is to me, she saved me, you see i was going into depression because of this awful skin condition and I had it in places you wouldn’t dream up, plus bladder infections, the Dr’s wanted me to go on more cream STERIODS! Bit I said no! So, as a result, and thanks to Karyn and her High grade bicarbonate, my skin is clear now.

I do continue taking it for on going good pH levels plus a good diet. My pH levels are now about 7.6 to over 8 so my body is a nice healthy alkaline level. The service Karyn provides is the best and the parcel of Bicarbonate comes with in a week.

I wish i could put pictures but my hubby said no, it would be to scary for some people, PLEASE TRY IT FOR IT DOES WORK . Thank you Karyn, for all you do for all of us poor souls , God bless you,.

PS Karyn has also become a good friend to me she is a winner of a girl,
Thank you.

Barbara Lavelle